Checklist Presentation

Top 10 takeaways from our presentation training

1) ATTENTION: Presentations should either start at the “There is something to eat” (i.e. how a situation can be improved) or “There is a threat” level to appeal to the Croc Brain.

2) BIG IDEA: Formulate for yourself the core message of your presentation, i.e. your WHY + WHAT, to set the frame and scope of your presentation.

3) CONTEXT: Try to describe a representative participant (the WHO /persona) of your presentation using the list of questions to gain an empathetic view of what is most relevant to your audience.

4) HERO’S JOURNEY: As the presenter, put your audience in the role of the hero and take on the perspective of the mentor for yourself. With your solutions, you give the audience the tools they need to succeed and master the journey (be like “Yoda” and guide your hero).



5) STRUCTURE: Create a strong CONTRAST at the beginning (creating the gap, big picture only), then in the main part show in detail (concrete examples) how the contrast can be bridged, end with clear CTA + assurance and repetition of your BIG IDEA.

6) TEXT: Each slide should have an active statement that falls within the scope of your BIG IDEA.

7) VISUAL HIERARCHY: The active statement should be at the top left of your slide (Z view).

8) DESIGN: Use colour strategically, i.e. to support your statement. Use only one Action Colour (the colour that causes your statement to “pop” directly into your audience’s eye).

9) Use only one focal point per slide.

10) Use two documents for presenting and for sending: The presentation you hold live should only show your audience the point you are talking about at the moment (“information striptease”). The number of slides depends on your communication needs. For sending, you can create a compact and text-rich.