Whether you’re a spreadsheet novice or a data wizard, Google Sheets shortcuts can drastically improve your workflow. These useful shortcuts from our Corporate Google Sheets Training not only save time but also help reduce errors, making your work smoother and more efficient.

Why Use Google Sheets Shortcuts?

  1. Save Time: Navigating through menus can slow you down. Shortcuts let you perform tasks in seconds.
  2. Boost Productivity: Streamline repetitive tasks like copying, pasting, formatting, and navigating.
  3. Reduce Errors: Fewer clicks mean fewer chances of making mistakes.
  4. Enhanced Data Management: Quickly manage rows, columns, and cells without losing focus.

Whether you’re formatting data, navigating large spreadsheets, or working with complex formulas, shortcuts can make a big difference. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the most useful Google Sheets shortcuts for both Windows and Mac users.

Popular Categories Covered:

  • Formatting: Quick ways to bold text, adjust alignments, and apply number formats.
  • Working with Data: Speed up tasks like copying, pasting, filling cells, and inserting new rows or columns.
  • Navigating in a Table: Efficiently move around large datasets without scrolling endlessly.
  • Working with Formulas: Easily manage cell references and formula structures.

Discover the Full List of Useful Google Sheets Shortcuts

To make your life easier, we’ve created a detailed table of useful Google Sheets shortcuts. This reference is perfect for beginners and pros alike. It includes shortcuts for formatting, data management, navigation, and formula handling—everything you need to boost your spreadsheet skills.

Category Windows Mac Description
Formatting[Ctrl] U⌘ UUnderline
Formatting[Ctrl] H⌘ [Shift] HFind and replace
Formatting[Ctrl] P⌘ PPrint preview
Formatting[Ctrl] B⌘ BBold
Formatting[Ctrl] I⌘ IItalic
Formatting[Ctrl] [Shift] L⌘ [Shift] LLeft align
Formatting[Ctrl] [Shift] R⌘ [Shift] RRight align
Formatting[Ctrl] [Shift] E⌘ [Shift] ECenter align
Formatting[Ctrl] [Shift] 1[Ctrl] [Shift] 1Number format: Thousand separator & 2 decimals
Formatting[Ctrl] [Shift] 2[Ctrl] [Shift] 2Number format: Time
Formatting[Ctrl] [Shift] 3[Ctrl] [Shift] 3Number format: Date
Formatting[Ctrl] [Shift] 4[Ctrl] [Shift] 4Number format: Currency
Formatting[Ctrl] [Shift] 5[Ctrl] [Shift] 5Number format: Percentage
Formatting[Alt] [Shift] 6[Option] [Shift] 6Remove borders
Formatting[F4][F4]Repeat last edit
Working with Data[Ctrl] C⌘ CCopy
Working with Data[Ctrl] X⌘ XCut
Working with Data[Ctrl] V⌘ VPaste
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Shift] V⌘ [Shift] VPaste as values
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Enter]⌘ [Enter]Fill selected range with current entry
Working with Data[Ctrl] D⌘ DFill down
Working with Data[Ctrl] R⌘ RFill right
Working with Data[Shift] [Space][Shift] [Space]Select entire row
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Space][Ctrl] [Space]Select entire column
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Alt] [+]⌘ [Option] =Insert new cell/row/column
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Alt] [-]⌘ [Option]Delete selected cell/row/column
Working with Data[Shift] [F11][Shift] [Fn] [F11]Insert new worksheet
Working with Data[Ctrl] ;⌘ ;Insert current date
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Shift] ;⌘ [Shift] ;Insert current time
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Alt] [Shift] ;⌘ [Option] [Shift] ;Insert current date and time
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Alt] 9⌘ [Option] 9Hide row
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Shift] 9⌘ [Shift] 9Unhide row
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Alt] 0⌘ [Option] 0Hide column
Working with Data[Ctrl] [Shift] 0⌘ [Shift] 0Unhide column
Navigating Between Sheets[Ctrl] [Shift] [Page ▼][Option] ▼Move to the next worksheet
Navigating Between Sheets[Ctrl] [Shift] [Page ▲][Option] ▲Move to the previous worksheet
Navigating in a Table[Ctrl] ▼⌘ ▼Move to the bottom of data region
Navigating in a Table[Ctrl] [Shift] ▼[Shift] ⌘ ▼Move to bottom and highlight range
Navigating in a Table[Ctrl] A⌘ ASelect all data in region
Navigating in a Table[Home][Fn] ◀Move to first cell in row
Navigating in a Table[Ctrl] [Home]⌘ [Fn] ◀Move to cell A1
Navigating in a Table[End][Fn] ▶Move to last cell in row
Navigating in a Table[Ctrl] [End]⌘ [Fn] ▶Move to last cell in sheet
Navigating in a Table[Tab][Tab]Move one cell right
Navigating in a Table[Shift] [Tab][Shift] [Tab]Move one cell left
Navigating in a Table[Enter][Enter]Move cell down/edit mode
Navigating in a Table[F2][F2]Edit cell content
Working with Formulas[F4][Fn] F4Toggle absolute/relative references
Working with Formulas[F1][Fn] F1Expand/collapse formula help dialog

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